Symptons of the Black Death

The symptoms of black death were described in 1348 by a man called Boccaccio who lived in Florence, Italy:
"The first signs of the plague were lumps in the groin or armpits. After this, livid black spots appeared on the arms and thighs and other parts of the body. Few recovered. Almost all died within three days, usually without any fever."

There were three kinds of plagues that occured during the Black Death.                                       They were:
Bubonic Plague

This was the most common plague, with a mortality rate of thirty to seventy-five percent . Four out of five of the victims died within eight days.

Pneumonic Plague

This was the second most common plague, with a mortality rate of ninety to ninety-five percent.

Septicemic Plague

This was the least common plague, with a mortality rate of close to one hundred percent.

The symptons were high fevers and purple skin patches.